Saturday, August 27, 2005


Wading Through the Crap

Wading Through the Crap
© 2003 by James Clark

One day when James was in his early 20s he made a list of 526 things he wanted to accomplish before he died. This book marks the 242nd item completed thus far and he is still going strong. I was in Korea as an infantry medic. I find myself chuck deep in the muck of a rice paddy working my way to some point on a map. I was in the thick of it. I can remember looking over at one of the guys who were saying I am sick of wading through this crap. To some degree that statement has become my life motto. From that day forward I quit pushing down my real personality. I have to think for myself and evaluate everything. Even follow the crowds blindly into the river of life without proper planning you can just continue to do things as everyone else does or even logically evaluate and decide what you will do in every situation and pursue your goals from there.
My goal is to motivate people. The only way to get somewhere is to actually start walking. You can think about it all day long unless you take action you will still be sitting there ten years to now wondering why life is passing me by. What you want from your life what do you want for your family, what kind of present you want, what kind of future. If you want to do things differently then this book is for you.
For most people life is pretty sad example of human potential. A lot of people live a pathetic existence. They are unhappy, angry and totally unsatisfied. The average person in the United States is not living the American dream unless it is to live in mediocrity. 50% of people are overweight. Commonsense and willpower prevail. If we do not get a handle on this and stop pandering to the local minority then we are going to crash and burn this nation. Some 48% of marriages end in divorce. Can’t anyone keep their word anymore? What about employment, apparently close to 90% of American survey do not like their jobs? As Americans we have the right to pursue happiness not to happiness itself. The government does not owe you squat.
Success is about choice. Success takes time direction dedication effort and a willingness to hang in there until the goal is reached. I do not hand it to people who want to sit on there backside. I only write for people who want to reach their full potential. Nobody wants to be mediocre or live below their below potential, but people do.
Experts laughed at George Westinghouse who at 22 said he could stop the locomotive with air. Now air breaks are standard equipment. The crowd is often very wrong. You and only you are fully and competently responsible for your life. Have you ever felt that you are destined for greatness? I could do so much more. I could be so much more. They put their mind to it. For my entire life I have felt that I am destined for greatness. I could do so much more I could be so much more. When I fear people especially ones who blessed, talk negatively about life I have to wonder what is going on inside. Are they still out of control of their lives that they are incapable of enjoying the opportunity to get they have right in front of them. If you do not love yourself you cannot see the world as happy and joyful place. If you focus all of your resources your intellectual words, your thoughts and your action towards the payment of the single area in your life you can affect wonderful and dynamic change. What I am talking about is focus effort, and it is much like the beam of a flashlight in that light.
It is imperative that you focus your effort that you focus your attention. No matter how distant a given dream appears to you, it can be yours if you are willing to take action to obtain it. But once you take that first step it is no longer a dream but a goal. For much of my adult life had been focused heavily one compelling and singular focus to better myself. I grew up the son of a single mother who was barely old enough to attend high school when she became pregnant. All these things and more added up to difficulty to spare and sometimes even danger for both of us. Early on in my life I started to dislike myself. By the time I was a young adult I pretty much hated James Clark. Like everyone you too have many gifts. You have very special gifts that are unique to you. I have never been much of a reader despite the fact that I have a huge library and absolutely love books. I hate math they force me to focus on other areas of my life to compensate. One area that I like very much is communication. I have always been able to speak well articulate my thoughts and persuade with enthusiastic ways and build and instant rapport with most people. What are your gifts? At the top of a piece of paper I want you to write my gifts and then begin writing everything that pops in your head. When the page is full I want you to number them from one to five in order of importance. Will is a product of desire.

1. Evaluate your circumstances. Take a good long and detailed look at where you are in life right now. By evaluating your current circumstances such as relationships, income, life style, you can decide if you are happy or not with what you found.

2. Raise your standard. All high achievers in life have set enormously high standards for themselves. They also view themselves in a very positive life regardless of what others around them happened to think. They set the standard and live to them. Your standards will greatly influence and determine your future.

3. Eliminate negative belief. What you believe you can achieve.

4. Commit your desires to paper. Until you write down what you want your desires are nothing more than dream. If you want to achieve your desires you must turn them into goals by committing them to paper. This is one of the most valuable lessons I ever learned about success.

5. Develop a plan of action.

6. Take action. Many people fail to do what they know.

7. Reevaluate and recommit. Did you know that a pilot flying from one destination to another is off course nearly 95% of the time in the air. They are unthreatened and unafraid of the unknown and constantly strive to better themselves. They are dedicated and dutiful. The self-actualizing person has the superior ability to reason, to see truth and they are tremendously logical. They have ability to be alone without being lonely. They can retain dignity amidst personal misfortune takes responsibility for mistakes they have made and control their behavior. The self-actualizing person is the self-starter responsible for their own behavior. Have a deep appreciation for people enjoy living the present moment to its fullest and strive for excellence. They love to teach you the metaphors which are intrinsic to the situation. They have an inborn uniqueness that carries over to everything they do, they are original, inventive, uninhibited. They are not afraid to go after what they want and come up with by ideas to succeed and accomplish their goals. They avoid adopting any particular culture, embrace anyone and are willing to work for an environment that stands steadfast against the injunctive, indignation and outer acceptance.

Seven Requirements for Success

1. Master your mind. You need to be free from negative emotions and negative thought process that prevent you from reaching your full potential.
2. Master your body.
3. Master your relationships.
4. Master your finances.
5. Master your goal setting.
6. Mater your time. If you look into the life of self-actualizing people you will find that central to their success is their ability to totally master their time. They use time to their advantage rather than allowing time to be a hindrance. They know the difference between what is important and what is urgent and they use schedule almost religiously.
7. Master your identity.

We feel good about ourselves in direct proportion to how much we believe that we are in control of our life. People who are high achievers consistently talk to themselves as if what they want to happen is exactly what will happen. Negative expectations can become self-fulfilling prophecies just as positive expectations can. Wilson Paul’s theory teaches that the best way to keep from receiving the worst from people is to make a conscious effort to expect the best from them, but our responsibilities don’t end there. We should make it clear to them as often as possible that we know they are giving up their very best and that we expect nothing else. We are attract to our life what we expect from it.
85% of what students will achieve would be based truly on their attitude and 15% on their aptitude. The take every opportunity to reinforce their positive attitude by reading listening into tapes, attending courses of seminars and studying an achieving goal. They surround themselves with people who think like crazy will they attract positive thing into their lives. Winners make a habit of manufacturing their positive expectations in advance of a given event.
Firstly, we have an ideal self which is the bundle of pictures and thoughts of ideal picture of who we want to be. People who have a constant series of winning experiences have high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. The second part is self-image. You must magnify your way or raise your perception of yourself. We must change our self concept to reflect what we really desire so that it can act as catalyst for greater success. Our self-ideal may or may not be accurate and our self-image may or may not be consistent with reality but our self-esteem is always true. For some reason many people are afraid to like themselves. If you do not like yourself I have not doubt that you are in a world of hurt. You have to like or better you have to love yourself or you will never reach your potential having the right self-esteem means seeing ourselves as we really are.
Obstacles are nothing more than little speed bumps. Tony said a midlife crisis, no, I am having midlife celebration only two main types of obstacles are worth considering those which are self generated and those are external to us.
The biggest obstacle to your success is you.
Fear is a exaggeration of terrible consequences. You will hear me say this again and again, fear is often nothing more than false evidence appearing real. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, fear of what others think, and fear of personal rejection. Latchkey kids often experience serious insecurities as the young adult because they subconsciously feel that their parents do not love them. Children spell love TIME. That’s right, spend time with me. If a parent fails to spend those quality and quantity time with their children whatever they do they do spend time with will be viewed as worth more to them than the child is. Therefore, the child will feel that they are worth less than that thing. Therefore they are worthless, got it?
What they learn is that they must do things in order to be accepted or loved by mom or they must perform or do in order to be loved. I’d better or they will not love me. People who are programmed like this have a very strong fear of projection and they develop preoccupations with what other people think of them. They are very self-conscious and seek approval from others. They dress to get approval, wear make ups to get approval on accomplished things to get approval. You have to like yourself to be a successful person. Fear of leading the crowd.
The man who goes alone can start today, said Henry David Thoreau. Fear of leaving comfort. It is like the old Pink Floyd song, Comfortably Numb. What are you afraid about? Is it losing money, getting hurt, looking stupid foolish or being humiliated so no matter how could things are going. If you believe that things suck they will. What are your fears? A decision gives you an incredible power to change your life.
Procrastination makes you lose freedom. Why is it then that we procrastinate? We procrastinate because we have come to think that not taking action is more profitable and less painful than it would be to take action. The only way to break out of procrastination is to choose to accept that pain will come but it will be temporary and that by not taking the action you will experience more pain.
Thomas Edison said I have not failed 9,000 times I learned 9,000 ways how not to invent the light bulb.
If a goal is important to you if it is more than just a dream or fantasy then you must focus on it. You must be in control of your mind and what you think about it. If you focus on something other than your goal you will not achieve it. Do not let yourself into the trap of substituting things like novels, television programs or video games for real life. These often become enormous time drains on your life. Make a list of obstacles. Each day review them until the obstacle can be rebuked from your list.
Myth - Happiness equates success. Happiness does not equal success. It cannot be your goal in it itself. Happiness has nothing to do with success. It is an emotion like sadness, hate, curiosity. Happiness is your reward for achieving a character in line with your identity and self image. Moments of pleasure are not the same thing as having it. But happiness is the enjoyment of your life.
Look at Edison, human flight was not possible either, heck, breaking the four minute mile was impossible. If you are not spending lots of time joyful happy time with the people most important to you then you will lose them. If not physically you will drive then away emotionally because whenever you spend more time with will appear to be more important to you than they are. If you really want to be successful devote more time to action and less time to study. We need words that lift us up, that affirm us in our goals and motivate and encourage us.

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