Saturday, August 27, 2005


Hidden Power for Human Problems

Hidden Power for Human Problems
© 1957 by Frederick Bailes

Man’s soul is a battleground of conflicting forces. As a man thinkeths in his heart so he is. Any of us can bring into his life anything that he wishes through the infinite creative process operating through the mind of the individual. The law, which I call creative law, will prove itself in any human activity in which we use it and trust it.

A simple statement of creative law would be that man lives in the surrounding river of minds into which his thoughts fall and which he forcefully turns all these thoughts into form. The river seems to obey man because its nature is to translate his thoughts into experience. Now, if all of the man’s thoughts were turned into experiences and to events in his life he would follow that. If he wants perfect experience he must think perfect thoughts.

It is done unto you as you believe. All sins ultimately are the holding of wrong thoughts. The more successful I was in correcting my dominant thought pattern, the more singleness I would be brought into my affairs. If I am I, the single, my whole body would be full of life. We learn by practice not by theory.

I would like to emphasize at this point that seven days of practicing what I am about to explain will produce more proofs than volumes of theoretical explanation. This is the way to walk you in it.

First we must understand creative law. Second we must furnish it with the correct thoughts to work with. Those correct thoughts are pictures we must form the correct image. Third, we release the image to the servant to creative law.

I was often discouraged and attempted to place the cause of my misery outside of myself. But each of us stands today exactly where he stands belongs by right of consciousness. Some persons cringe at such a statement, shrink from it, produce arguments and apparent proofs to show that their sufferings are the faults of others or not their own. For it is fundamental that each man is the maker of his own heaven or hell. Notice that I declared the truth; there is no room for doubt in directing the creative law. Though you may feel doubt you do not act on it.

Creative law works not by your feelings but by the images which you use to form and give to it to work with. This may sound ridiculously simple. All things are simple once we understand them. I have through the use of words affirmed what I call a master thought. I release this image to my servant. My duty then was to go about my affairs leaving the servant’s work undisturbed.

My last words were the customary ones – “it is so”. It was so, it has never returned. The human mind is slippery and evasive. It is easy to persuade oneself of belief in a certain thing but since it is the law of mind that we eventually manifest only that in which we deeply believe. Mahatma Gandhi was the object of much derision but it never really touched him.

For more than a quarter of this century I have faced desperate men and women across my desk seeking assistance. I came to understand that problems of body and circumstances are traceable to less than a dozen basic states of mind. I have given the name parent thoughts to the false beliefs and master thoughts their corrective opposites.

The first thing the individual must learn is that man thinks not only with his brain but with every cell of his body. Therefore whatever issues from the brain must become the pattern of the soul’s thinking. Nothing in the universe possesses the power to irritate him without his consent. Persons, places, and things never irritate us; it is our reaction to them that is irritative. A stimulus has no irritating power in itself but the person can give it the power of irritating him or if he chooses his response can be one of imperturbable serenity.

A mystic is one who penetrates the outer material world of sensations and finds his way into the inner world of reality. In this inner world higher laws prevail. That which we consciously select in our reasoning mind tends to recede into our deeper levels of mind where it is gradually molded into the stuff of character. This is the truth about me whether I believe it or not. We will never again be guilty of saying why has this experience come upon me or why do people do thus or so to me. The emphasis shifts from why to what. What in me is stirring this up in them?

Love has a definite healing power we could begin to praise someone sincerely. Earlier we said that if smile was union a frown was separation, as part of the process of healing one could commence consciously and deliberately to cultivate the habit of greeting others with a quick warm smile. We can better change conditions by turning to the desirable rather than by turning from the undesirable. Feel the consciousness with what we want brought forth in our lives rather than what we want driven out. Since the law of life is to increase and magnify any state of mind at first a person is moving constantly out into deeper waters of supply.

It is not true that everything always goes wrong with any person. A sense of futility blinds him from the many things that arise. Men search for gold but they seldom find it in large nuggets. They carefully pan for tiny specks and flakes. Our mind has always seeing more of anything that we are looking for. None of us ever has the chance to accept a chance that he makes for himself. Heaven and hell have their origins within the human heart. No one is ever condemned by any power outside itself. We condemn ourselves to a life of frustration.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The riches are the riches of the conscious. Psychologists tell us that fear is not an inheritance. Infants enter the world with only a fear of a loud noise or being dropped, but every other fear that drives us has been built up during our lifetime.

Our minds are like picture galleries. Old pictures are constantly being taken down and new ones put up. Never give utterance to any negative idea. The best treatment to give them is to state their opposites as clearly and confidently as we can. Shun that person who whines and complains who loves to pounce up on the weakness and mistakes of others. Avoid those who dote on their illnesses and whose conversation is chiefly on the morbid happenings in life. Seek out the company of the cheerful persons. We tend to absorb the mental atmosphere of those with whom we associate. There is a familiarizing effect in repetition.

Feeling follows action rather than precedes it. If you wait until you feel brave you will never feel brave. The control of this whole situation is mental but we could stimulate the mental by our physical actions. He found that the successful man pushes feelings into the background and lives by his coldly considered choices. The tremendous importance of man’s power to choose has never been sufficiently stressed. One can choose in spite of his feelings and that which he chooses will become the dominant inner pattern of his thoughts- William James’ finding that feeling follows action rather than precedes it.

Fifty years of negative thinking does not take 50 years to reverse; it could come quickly; from thoughts to words to actions. For the person who looks clearly at life there is never any competition. The infinite never is unaware of any hostile opposing force.

Suppose that we start with the assumption that there is an infinite reservoir of all that is said. Any idea held steadily in mind is bound to come forth in experience. When man affirms to a statement of belief he sets in motion a tremendous current of power.

Hostility is separation while love is unity. He who is filled with feelings of inferiority has placed himself in the center of his own affection. His thought is continually upon himself the impression that he is making, the opinion others hold of him, their possible criticism, and the possibility of their hurting him. Get into that frame of mind where you believe that you have a silent partner who agrees with you that there is a clear road ahead. Learn how to expect the good to happen. Every morning when you wake deliberately ask yourself I wonder what good things will happen today; what good contacts I shall make; what good deals will be closed; what good work will be done. Cultivate the expectancy of the good rather than of trouble. Don’t tell yourself that you are only kidding yourself when you say this. You must see yourself as part of the universe.

The feeling of overload is not uncommon among humans. No one can take anything from us without our consent. She recalled that all her life she had lost things. What thought has caused thought can cure. Conviction tends to grow after we have made a definite choice. This is the law of mind. It will work as well for you as in the past it has worked against you. All things are possible to him that believes it. Change your outlook and you can change your world.

If external condition is ignored acceptance is formed into master thought to replace the indicated parent thought. Parent thought overloads utility. I can’t go through with this. Parent thought obstruction/delay, parent thought loss, parent thought irritation, parent thought hostility/cross‑purposes, parent thought rejection, parent thought wrong action.

Master thought - my strength is sufficient for me. Nothing can stand in the way for the resistless flow of the infinite expression. Nothing is ever lost in the infinite mind. Nothing outside of me has the power to irritate me without my consent. The world is friendly. I know my true worth. Health and joy are natural.

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