Saturday, August 27, 2005


The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Law of Business Success

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Law of Business Success
© 2000 by Brian Tracey

I set off on a lifelong journey to find out why the world works the way it does. I began to notice consistent and predictable patterns and principles that seem to accompany all business success. Anyone one of these laws can save you months or even years of hard work. Brian Tracey speaks to 300,000 people each year worldwide and he has traveled to eighty countries on five continents.

This is a wonderful time to be alive. The wonderful thing about information and ideas is that they are infinitely divisible. Knowledge is accumulative. Business warfare is aimed at winning customers and markets. Small differences in ability can lead to enormous difference in result. When you organize your life and business activities around the unbreakable laws of business success you are virtually guaranteed to enjoy success and prosperity in your business activities. The first 10% of time that you invest in finding out the underlined laws principles, rules message and techniques of successful action in any field will save you 90% of the time and effort required to achieve your goals in that area.

The smartest people are those who take the time to find out the rules of success in any area before they attempt to get results in that area. Over the years I read hundreds of additional books and articles in my search for the so called secrets of success. When I was given an opportunity to build the sales forces I asked experts, read books, listened to audio programs and attended courses on the recruiting and building sales organizations. I found that all the successful, happy, dynamic, prosperous and growing enterprises practice these principles consistently and virtually everything they do.

When you align your activities with these universal principles you will find yourself getting more and better results with less effort. You will be more relaxed and confident. You will be more optimistic and cheerful. You will be more efficient and effective. One final point before we begin.

The most common quality of successful people is they are intensely action oriented. They are pro-active rather than re-active. They take initiative. When they hear a good idea they act on it immediately by taking action quickly they immediately get feedback that enables them to self correct and move ahead. Why do so many people live lives of quite desperation? Everything happens for a reason. When you are absolutely clear about what you want you only need to copy others who have achieved it before you and you will eventually get the same results that they have. Whatsoever a man sows also shall he reap, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life.

You create your entire world by the way you think and when you change your thinking you change your life sometime in seconds. You become what you think about most of the time. It is not the world outside you that dictates your circumstances or conditions it is the world inside you that creates the conditions of your life. It is the way you interpret the events to yourself that determines how you react. Whatever you truly believe with feeling becomes your reality. For you to progress to move onward and upward in your life and business you must continually challenge yourself, limiting beliefs. Free your mind from doubt and fear. Imagine you have no limitations. What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail.

Whatever you expect with confidence becomes your own self recurring prophecy. In your own personal life your expectations of your staff, your boss, your customers and even your future tense come through. Expect the best. Start at home and tell your spouse and children on a regular basis that you believe in them. That you think they are wonderful, that you love them and that you are proud of them. In a positive expectation family, the parents continually fed their children extremely positive messages referring how much they love them and believe in them. No matter what happens in the short term the children always knew that their parents were behind them 100% and they didn’t disappoint their parents.

You are a living magnet. You invariably attract into your life the people, situations and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thought. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. Birds of the feather flock together, light attracts light. What ever you want wants you. This is why you can think about a person sometime at a great distance and in the next moment the phone will ring up and that person would be on the line. When ever things are not going well in any organization the fastest way to bring about change is to bring in a new person who changes the way people think and feel about themselves and what they are doing. Engage in a rigorous process of self analysis. Take full credit for all the good things in your life. Then look around at the things you don’t like and take full responsibility for them as well.

Your outer world is the reflection of your inner world that corresponds with your dominant patterns of thinking. Your relationships always reflect back to you the kind of person you are on the inside. That is hard for most people to accept. Most people think that the problems in their lives are caused by other people and external circumstances. They want others to change. They want the world to change but they do not want to change themselves.

You can control only one thing in the world and that is the way you think. However, when you take complete control over your thinking you take control over all the other aspects of your life. The basic principle of human action is that everything you do is aimed at improving your life in some way. Once you are programmed to target or desire into your sub conscious mind your super conscious and your super conscious mind takes on a power of their own that seems to both drive and steer you inevitably towards the attainment of your goal whatever it is. Goal achieving seems to happen almost automatically.

Become perfectly clear about what is it you want and exactly what it will look like when you have achieved it. Less than 3% of adults have clear written goals and do it yourself plans to achieve that. These 3% goal setters are earning on average 10 times as much as those people with no written goals at all.

When you write down your goals you immediately become a different person. The very active lines of description of what you want to accomplish and what you intend to do to accomplish it will change your life. The probability of your accomplishing them increases ten times by putting it in writing. Make a list of ten goals that you want to achieve over the next twelve months. Write out these goals and present them as though a year has past and you have already achieved them. When you re-read the list after one year you will find that eight of your ten goals have been achieved. Often your goals won’t materialize much faster. You feel good about yourself to the degree to which you feel that you are in control of your own life. People with an internal locus of control, those who feel that they are behind the wheels of their own lives tend to be low stress high performance personalities. People with an external locus of control those who feel that what they are doing is dictated by other people and pressures tend to be high stressed low performance personalities. A sense of control is absolutely essential for you to perform at your best. Change is inevitable. Goals allow you to control the direction of change. Control change leaves inevitably to greater achievements than uncontrolled change.

To take control of your life you must begin by taking control of your mind. Successful happy people make a habit of thinking and talking only about the things they want. Unsuccessful, unhappy people unfortunately spend most of their time thinking and talking about what they don’t want. Life is a series of random occurrences and things just happen by accident. By failing to plan you are planning to fail. People who live by the laws of accident turn to be negative, pessimistic and helpless and feel that they have little control over their lives. The wonderful thing about goals is that the very act of setting goals frees you from living under the law of accident and put you squarely under the law of control and the law of cause and effect. You are completely responsible for everything that you are and for everything you become and achieve. You are always free to choose what you think and what you do. Responsibility begins with your taking full and complete control over the contents of your conscious mind. No one is coming to the rescue.

Successful people have a clear sense of purpose and direction in every area of their life. Success is goals and all else is common theory.

The more definite and focused you are that you feared is for you to make better decisions on your priorities and the use of your time. The more time you spend on your most important goals the more you accomplish and the better you get at accomplishing even more. And the more you achieve the better you feel about yourself and the more you feel like a winner and the more you want to achieve. You put yourself onto an upward spiral that leads to ever greater accomplishment. You feel terrific about yourself.

Take out a sheet of paper and write the word dreams and create your own five in your fantasy. Imagine that your income, bank account, relationships, family life, health, work and career are ideal in every way. What would they look like?

Your A1 goal should be your major definite purpose and the most important goal in your life. The accomplishment of this goal will lead you to the accomplishment of more of your other goals than any other single goal on your list. Make a list of everything you can think of that you can do to achieve that goal. Keep adding new ideas until your list is complete. You will have a goal and a plan for each important area of your life. Redo this plan each day morning and evening.

Resolve to do something every day to move yourself towards the attainment of one or more of your most important goals. This daily work on your goals enables you to develop the main things to maintain a degree of momentum.

Step one, decide exactly what you want. Step two, write it down. Step three, set a deadline. Step four, make a vision statement to achieve your goal. Step five, organize your list into a plan. Step six, take action. Step seven, do something everyday. Doing something everyday was more important than anything else you had ever learned. You will always fully compensate for whatever you do positive or negative.

Your rewards in life will be in direct proportion to the value of your service for others. All fortunes begin with the sale of personal services. If you wish to increase the quantity of your rewards you may first increase the quality and quantity of your service. Everyone works on commissions. The harder you work the luckier you get. To achieve more than the average person you must work longer and harder than the average person.

One hour of focused uninterrupted work time will give you the equivalent two to three hours of normal interrupted working time during the day. Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation. Abraham Lincoln said, “I shall study and prepare myself and someday my chance will come”. Action without thinking is the cause of every failure. The more things you have to do in the limited period of time the more you will be forced to work on your most important task. Only by stretching yourself can you discover how much you are truly capable. You perform at your highest potential only when you are focusing on the most valuable use of your time. Every great leap forward in life is preceded by a clear decision and a commitment to action. All high achieving men and women are decisive in their thinking and their actions. They think things through carefully and advance.

Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid. Act as if it was impossible to fail and it shall be. When you are in doubt for any reason act as if it were impossible to fail and push forward. Just do it. Take a chance, act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid. Every advance in human life begins with an idea in the mind of a single person. Your ability to generate constructive ideas is to all intents and purposes is unlimited. Therefore your potential is unlimited as well. Ideas are a mode of transportation. Your job is to generate as many ideas as possible then take action on them. There is virtually no obstacle in life you cannot be overcome with the power of thought, concentration and ideas. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. Imagination rules the world. Imagination is more important than facts.

Mind storming, form a question and write twenty answers to the question in the present tense. Select at least one idea and take action on it immediately. Do this exercise everyday for a week first thing in the morning for whatever question of goals are most important to you at the moment. You will be amazed that the quality and quantity of ideas that springs from your imagination. To continue to experience the resistance and frustration is often an interconnected sense that you are doing the wrong thing.

You will find your competitive advantage in one sentence, in what way is your product or service superior to that of your competitors? What makes you special? Companies must target specific customer groups or market segments if they are to achieve significant sales. The ideal market segment contains both customers for whom the product’s competitive advantage is most important in satisfying their most pressing needs. Market success comes from concentrating single mindedly on selling to those customers you have segmented as being the ones who can most benefit immediately from unique product or service features you offer in your area of special addition. Finally the company should never stop learning, growing, innovating and improving. The Japanese call this process Kaizen.

Great business leadership is characterized by honesty, truthfulness and straight feeling with every person under all circumstances. Transformational leadership is the ability to touch people emotionally to empower them to be more and to contribute more than they ever have before. Leaders think about the future. The ability to make decisions and act boldly in the face of setbacks and adversity is the key to greatness in leadership.

Leadership is control of fear, mastery of fear. Every one is afraid, leaders are simply those who fix their fears and take action in spite of their fears. If you want to be successful faster you must double your rate of failure. Success lies on the far side of failure.

Frederick the Great’s motto was audacity, audacity, and always audacity. When faced with two dangers one behind you and one in front of you it is always better to go forward. The true confidence that all difficulties can be overcome and all goals can be obtained. “Difficulties come not to obstruct but to instruct”. Optimists focus on the future rather than the past they look for the opportunity in every difficulty, they think about what can be done now rather than focusing on what has happened in the past to who is to blame of it. Above all optimists are solution oriented rather than problem oriented. They are focused on the solution on the next step rather than the problem.

List your three most important goals in life right now then right down one step that you can take immediately to move you in the direction of each of these goals. This simple exercise will give you an increased sense of control and personal power.

Leaders are learners continuously striving to be better in their work and personal lives. They read, take additional courses and seminars and listen to audio programs in their cars.

The starting point of accumulating money is for you to believe that you have an unlimited capacity to obtain all the money that you will ever need. Look upon yourself as a financial success just waiting for a place to happen. Money is good money. Money gives you choices and enables you to live your life the way you want to live it. You live in an abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who really want it and are willing to obey the laws governing its acquisition. People become wealthy because they decide to become wealthy.

Why aren’t you rich already? Why aren’t you rich already? Write down all the reasons you can think of.

Your most precious resource is your time. Poor time management is the one of the major reasons for poor productivity and underachievement in every industry in America. It is the number one problem for both managers and sales-people in every field. Study after study show that salespeople work only about 20% of the time. The average sales person spends approximately 1½ hours per day in direct selling activities. In a recent study of 95 % managers admitted that, roughly 50% of working days are spend doing things that have absolutely nothing to do with the reason they are on the payroll. Time and money can be either spent or invested to a certain degree your time and you money are interchangeable. If you spend them they are gone forever. You cannot get them back.

Invest one hour of your time reading in your field everyday. The most successful people in any society are those who take the longest time period into consideration when making their day-to-day decisions. People at the lowest levels of the society have the shortest time perspective. At the very bottom of the social ladder you will find hopeless alcoholics and drug addicts. These people think in terms of the next drinks or the next sip. Their time perspective is often less than one hour. You move up the ladder socially and financially the day that you begin thinking about what you are doing in terms of possible long-term consequences of your actions. Late gratification is the key to financial success.

Self-discipline is the most important personal quality for assuring long-term success. Successful people are those who make a habit of doing the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do. Getting up earlier, working harder, staying later, successful people are more concerned with pleasing results. Unsuccessful people are more concerned with pleasing methods. Unsuccessful people prefer activities that are tension relieving. Successful people pursue activities that are goal achieving.

Financial freedom comes to people who save 10% or more of their income throughout their lifetime. Pay yourself first. Begin today to save 10% of your income off the top and never touch it. If you allow your expenses to increase at a slower rate than your income and you save or invest the difference you become financially independent in your working lifetime. To be fully protected against the unexpected you require liquid saving equal to two to six months of normal expenses. The key to compound interest is to put the money away and never to touch it. An average person earning an average income who invested $100.00 per month from age 21 to 65 compounded at 10% would retire with $1,000,000.00. The more money you save and accumulate the more money you attract into your life. A prosperity consciousness attracts money like iron filings to a magnet.

I found that as you develop a positive and expecting attitude toward money and you begin with believing in the law of abundance your emotions somehow magnetize the money that you already have to attract even more money into your life.

Self-made millionaires spend 20 to 30 hours per month thinking about and setting their finances. They carefully plan and organize their accounts.

Some people do not like to be told or taught. Human relations experts are those who can present their ideas in such a way other five people will base them as their own. The top 10% of salespeople open 80% of the accounts. Products and services are sold not bought. Customers need to be asked to buy. 80% of sales are closed after the fifth call or the fifth closing attempt. 50% of the salespeople quit after the first call in a complex sale and 50% of salespeople fail to ask for the order even in a simple sale. Sometimes you are only one question away from your success. Organize duties in such a way that you receive more qualified prospects each day. Design your process in such a way that you are asking for business more often or you are offering you prospects more opportunity to buy in each day of conversation.

From this moment forward refuse to do anything that you can pay someone else $25.00 an hour to do. Do not drop off your dry cleaning, wash your car, and make your own photocopies. These activities do not pay $25.00 per hour. Be strict with yourself, practice self-discipline every moment. Use your time carefully hour by hour throughout the working day.

You must associate with the best in your field you must avoid the 80% of failures. Most of salespeople tend to be loners. Every decision to purchase a product or services an attempt to satisfy a need or releases dissatisfaction of some kind. Obviously it is often not the real need for which a products will be purchased. Customers like solutions not products or services. Proof that other people similar to the customer have purchased the product builds creditability, lowers resistance and increases sales. Testimony of any kind increase desirability and lower price resistance to a product or service. The primary obstacle to buying anything is the fear of failure, the fear of making a mistake in the buying decision.

Never allow yourself a luxury of saying that doesn’t matter, everything matters everything counts, everything is either adding up or taking away it’s either helping or hurting.

Top salespeople practice the 70 –30 rule. They listen 70% or more of the time and talk 30% of the time. Listening builds trust, the relationship is more important than the product or service. Spend 20% of your time with customers who have already brought from you. The best salespeople prepare thoroughly before every call.

Ben Feldman explains that his great success was largely due to his ability to ask the right questions at the time. He discovered that a properly worded question could turn a mutual or negative prospect into an interested customer. Sometimes it is just a few seconds. Begin today and ask for better prices in turn. If you want a better deal ask for it. Whatever the suggested price react with surprise and disappointment do that the best that you can do and remain perfectly silent. Almost every price has a built in cushion of available discount.

Check your assumptions incorrect assumptions lie the roots of most mistakes.

Everything you are today and everything you become in the future will be determined by the way you think and the way you use your time.

Successful people have developed the ability to get a lot more done in the same period of time than unsuccessful people. They have clear goals and objectives clear and specific plans and well-organized calendars. The clearer you are about your goals and objectives the more efficient and effective you will be in achieving them. Clarity accounts were probably 80% of success and happiness. Success is goals and all else is commentary. Clarity, Clarity, clarity with regard to your goals.

Meanwhile you will do fewer and fewer the things that don’t help to get the things that you really want. Do something everyday that moves you towards the attainment of one or more of your important goals.

If you have a list of ten items to accomplish choose those items which are worth more than the other eight items together. What is the most valuable use of my time right now? Whatever it is, work on that. Imagine that you are going to receive a $100,000.00 bonus at the end of the month if you can work on your highest priority items every minute of the day.

What activities in my life can I cut back or delegate or just continue to free up more time for my most important activity? Every minute spent in planning saves ten minutes in execution, the purpose of personal strategic planning is for you to increase your return on energy the return on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual capital you have invested in your life and career. It takes only about 10 to 12 minutes for you to make up a plan for your day. The very act of planning forces you to think better and more accurately about everything you do. The more you think about and plan something on paper the faster and more efficiently you will accomplish it when you start work. Think on paper. You are always free to choose what you do first what you do second and what you do not at all.

Your entire life today is the sum total result of the quality of your choices and decisions to this moment. Certain things you do enable you to accomplish drastically more than you would if you would spend the same amount of time in other activities.

One multiplication factor that you can find is the point of intensity. A point of intensity is something that you can have tremendous impact on the activities of other people. What are your potential points of intensity? What are the activities you engage in that have tremendous leverage and that they affect the activities of other people and the use of other resources?

Develop a sense of urgency. Only 2% of population has the sense of urgency and they eventually outpace everyone else. The ability to start and complete the most important tasks determines your productivity more than any other skill. Remember the law of single handling. Maximum performance is possible only when you concentrate single-mindedly on one task, the most important task, and you stay at it until it is 100% complete. You cannot do everything. You can do one thing, the most important thing, and you can do it now. Single handling is perhaps the most powerful of all time management technique. Your job today is to develop the life long habit of task completion.

The faster you move the more experiences you have and the more lessons you learn. The smarter more capable you become the more energy you have and the more creative and confident you will be.

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