Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Focal Point

Focal Point
© 2001 by Brian Tracy

The sun’s ray focused through a magnifying glass can create intense heat and fire your intelligence and ability focused and concentrated on a few key activities can enable you to accomplish much more than the average person can and in far less time.
You must develop clarity about who you are and what you really want.
There are only four things you can do to improve the quality of your life and work. You can do more of certain things; you can do lots of certain things. You can start to do things that you are not doing and you can stop doing certain things all together. All you need is the desire to change, the desire to take action, the discipline to practice the new behaviors you have chosen and the determination to persist until you get the results you want.
He made a list of everything he was doing and then be applied the zero base thinking question to each activity. Knowing what I know now if I were not doing this now would I start it up again today? He decides to do more of some things and less of other things and to start doing certain things and stop other activities all together. He began reducing and cutting back on the amount of time he was spending with the 80% of his clients who contributed only 20% of his revenues. Do you want to double your income first identify the things you do that contribute the greatest value to you and your company. Resolve to spend more of your time doing more of the tasks by contributing greatest value. Identify the activities in the bottom 80% contribute very little to your results.
From now on no matter what happens say to yourself “I am responsible”. Life is the study of attention, where your attention goes your heart goes also. The very active observing of behavior tends to change that behavior for the better. The law of increasing return so that the more you focus on doing the few things that represent the most valuable use of your time the better you become at those activities and the less time it takes you to accomplish each one.
Almost everything you do is determined by your habits. Your habits largely control and dictate the words you say, the things you do and the ways you react and respond. All habits are learned and learnable. Everything is hard before is it easy.
The grand slam formula is simplification, leveraging, acceleration and multiplication. Simplify everything you do, continually reduce and eliminate the activities, stop doing as many of things of low value as possible. Is there anything I am doing right now knowing what I know now? I would have got into again if I were starting over again. Is there any relationship personal or business that you wouldn’t get into again stay if you do it over? How do I get out of this situation and how fast. Using leverage, using other peoples knowledge, other peoples energy, other peoples money, other peoples successes, other peoples failures, other peoples ideas, other peoples contacts, accelerate. Anyone who can act quickly to satisfy the needs of other people can move rapidly to the front of the line. Always keep looking for ways to do things faster for the key people and customers in your life. Multiply your ability do a simple team of excellent people and then help your team accomplish important tasks is essential to your long-term success. It is the key to multiplying yourself and your ability.
He would not be in exaggeration to assert that as much as 80% of the persons time at work is spend in activities that contribute very little to the work the person is paid to do. Identify the few tasks that contribute the greatest value to your work. Identify the routine tasks and activities that consumes so much time but contribute little or nothing to your long-term goals of work. Use the grand slam formula to dramatically increase your output and your results. Decide today if you take at least one full day each week off to spend exclusively on your personal pursuits. Start today and pay closer attention to the things you do. Think about your tasks before you begin.
The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary - Thomas Edison. Perform more and more tasks of higher value and delicately outsource the main tasks with lower value.

1. What am I trying to do?
2. How am I trying to do it?
3. What are my functions?
4. What if my functions are wrong?
5. What would I have to do differently if my clear functions were wrong?

Increase your productivity with clear goals, clear and written plans of action every minute you spend in planning will save you as many ten minutes in execution. Always work from the list. Think on paper. Third, set priorities on each list. Use the A B C D in your daily A is for important B is for should do C is for nice D is for delicate use E is for eliminate.
The more time you spent on tasks that are important though not urgent the more effective in productivity you become in the longer term. Most people spend an enormous amount of time doing things that are urgent but not important.
You can reduce the amount of time you spend on each task by as much as 80% simply by refusing to do anything else until that task is complete. Compete against yourself to feel how much you can get out of the high value each day or project out four or five years and imagine that you are now one of the most productive people in your field.
My sacred organizing principal for high productivity is single handling in which you concentrate single mindedly on one thing the most important thing all day long. Once your program is for confidence yourself you will be amazed that how much you get done.
The starting point of simplifications for you to use the number of things you do in your work and in your personal life. Consolidate several tasks into one task. Assign several tasks to a single person. Outsource particular tasks. Delegate task eliminate. Change the order in which tasks are done to reduce time on that. Practice idealization and all the time think back to the happiest times in your personal life from the most organized and pleasant times in your work life and imagine how you can recreate those times in your future. If I only had six months to live how would I change my life, clean up the clutter in your life? Go through your stack of brief material to get important things away. Please carry some silence in your life. Many people had gotten rid of their television sets. Go through your party and closets, and get rid of everything. Practice solitude on a daily basis. Make a specific action commitment based on what have you learnt in this chapter. Do something, do anything. Some people are more successful than others. You can be, have or do anything you want in life but you simply find out how other people achieved it before you and then do the same things yourself. Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. Successful people think differently from unsuccessful people.
You become what you think about most of the time. Over the years thousands of successful people have been asked what you think about most of the time. Successful people think about what they want and how they get it most of the time. Unsuccessful people on the other hand tend to think and talk about what they don’t want most of the time. They think and talk about who they are mad at and who is to blame for their problems most of the time. Successful people are far more optimistic most of the time than average people. They have a positive mental attitude towards themselves and others. People do mental exercises to become a more positive confident and optimistic person. Think about the future. In 3,300 studies of leadership found that the one quality all the studies have in common was vision. Leaders have vision. They then worked to make it a reality in the present. Future oriented people think about the future most of the time. They think about where they are going rather that where they have been. They think about what is possible in the months and years ahead rather than about the past which cannot be changed.
Clarity is terribly important. Successful people have tremendous clarity about who they are, what they want and how they are going to get it. In idealization we continually imagine the perfect outcome or solution for any situation in the life. We project forward three to five years and create a mental picture of dependent life and clear that would be ideal for you in every respect. Imagine that you have all the knowledge and experience you need. Imagine that you have all the money and resources you need. Imagine that you have all the friends and contacts you want. Imagine that all opportunities and possibilities are open to you. Imagine that if you can dream it you can do it. Develop a dream list. If you are married sit down with your spouse to make up this dream list. Create a five-year vision. How this company would be described if it was the very best company of its kind in the entire industry. We then begin to set strategy by asking how. How is one of the most important powerful words you can learn or apply to every situation in your life. How do I achieve it? Asking how for since you to be both positive and future oriented.
The second attitude of highly successful people is goal orientation. 3% that is about how many people actually put their goals into writing. The other 97% have wishes hopes and fantasies. People without goals are doomed to work forever for people who do have goals. The key to goal setting is for you to think on paper. When you write things down you crystallize them right before your eyes. They become tangling concrete. They become subjects of positive manipulation and definite action. Written goals are accurate to give you a positive mind and energize you. The act of running and down increases enormously the lightweight and exactly what achieve your goal. Decide exactly what you want in each area of your life most people never do this. The third attitude for great successful excellence orientation is when it becomes excellent of what you do your life will change completely. But once carefully developed and doing in excellent fashion would help you to boost in your career. The fit attitude for optimism and high performances, solution orientation in which you think about the solution to the problem most of the time.
A truly effective person is one who has developed a wonderful ability to respond constructively to the inevitable problems and difficulties in day-to-day life. This must be your goals as well. Think about solutions all day long. The sixth attitude is growth orientation. The three keys to growth orientation are simple. The first read one or more hour each day in your chosen field. They keep audio tapes in their car attend every helpful course and seminar you found. Seventh attitude is action orientation. 2% of working adults have the sense of urgency. People often equate speed with quality. If you act fast when they have need or question they automatically assume that your work is better in a prior value. The faster you need the more energy you have. Nothing can add your work power to your life and concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. The most human activity follow is called the sigmoid curve. What business am I in, what business are you really in, what you do for your customer or your company.
Before you can do something new you have to stop doing something old. What are the activities that I should reduce, discontinue or avoid all together? What are the 10% to 20% of my activities that could account for 80% to 90% of my results. The sixth question is what are the critical constraints on my abilities to achieve my goals? I will contend that fully 80% of all the constraints that are holding you back are inside you. What is specific action or actions that I am going to take immediately based on my response? Sharpen your focus. Design your perfect life style. Create your perfect calendar. How would you change your life if you receive one million dollars cash trust for you today? What is the first thing you would do? What parts of your work do you enjoy the most and do the best. Where do you excel. What sort of activities make you happiest? If you learn today that you have only six months left to live, what would you do?
What are the values to achieve that are most important to you? What is your vision, what are your goals, what are your knowledge and skills, habits, daily activities, actions? The better questions you ask to yourself the better answers you will elicit. George Marshall gave the following orders to Eisenhower – proceed to London invade Europe defeats the Germans.
Specialization is your ability to channel your talents and abilities into a vital area that is of the measurable value to your company or customers. Differentiation is how you keep yourself apart from others on the basis of your superior performance in one or more areas. Segmentation is the ability to determine the people and organization from your work life that most benefit from your performance in a particular area. Concentration is your ability to focus single mindedly on serving your specific market segment with product that are excellent.
Your job is to develop habits in each area of your life that make it progressively easier that yields better and better in that area. If you act as if you already have what you desire the action itself repeated often and often develops within you the habits consistent with it. To develop the habits you desire you need to only act on every occasion as if you already have the habit. Your job is to select the one behavior that is consistent with the most important habit you develop and practice it every single day until it becomes natural to you. There’s always one activity to practice that is more valuable than anything else.
The happiest people spend a lot of time thinking about what they want. How satisfied are you with household finances? How secure is your family with regards to the insurance? Time is the critical success factor in all relationships. The quality of any relationship is directly related to the amount of time you invest in that relationship. You demonstrate a person’s importance to you by spending time with him or her. You can dramatically improve the quality of a relationship by investing more and more time in that relationship. How often do you have dinner with your entire family? How often do you start the day with your family members? Select a single daily activity where by you are going to practice to improve your personal relationship. Is there anything I am doing today that you would like me to do more of or less of or start or stop doing? When you are at work spend your time working; don’t waste time. There is work time there is personal time. Remember that watching television, reading the newspaper; working on your computer does not constitute spending time with your loved ones. Deliberately create chunks of time with your loved ones. Plan vacations in advance. The most financially successful people in every society are based with a long-term perspective.
Imagine that you have achieved a net worth of $10,000,000.00. Make up a dream list of every single thing you would want in your lifetime. For financial goals earn as much as you can and spend as little as you can. Saving as best as and as much as possible and protect yourself against unexpected reversals. Determine how much money you will need each month to live comfortably and calculate how long you could sustain your current life style on your current savings which is called your run rate. The average self-made millionaires spend 20 to 30 hours per month studying the subject of money and carefully managing finances. On the other hand, the average person spends only about a tenth of that time each month. Financially successful people enjoy the acts of saving and investing. It makes them happy to refrain from spending and instead put their money away for the long term. One of the smartest things you can do right now is to stop doing anything that may interfere with your living a long healthy life. People who were fit and healthy think about fitness and health most of the time. Happiness, energy, beauty, discipline, self control, personal mastery, persistence and fitness, how much would you weigh, how much would you exercise, how many hours per night would you sleep, from which side of bed you wake up, what sort of activities which you indulge in, what would be your waist size. They drink a lot of water. You need about one gallon of water per day to flush toxins from your body.
Set a goal to exercise 200 to 300 minutes per week. The more you exercise the less sleep you need the brighter and sharper you are when you work and the more productive you are at everything you do. Project forward five or ten years and imagine that you are developed fully in every important part of your life. Idealize and see yourself as outstanding in every respect. Refuse to compromise on your personal training. Take out a piece of paper and write down ten goals that you would like to achieve in that area, personal and professional development in a month and years ahead. A single quality for success is self-discipline, it is the master key to victory.
You must develop 7 disciplines: Daily goal study, every morning take three to five minutes to write up your top ten goals in the present time. Daily planning and organizing the night before, daily priority setting, concentrate on your highest value activity, exercise and proper nutrition, earning and growth, time for the most important people in your life.
The 1000% formula is based on a law of incremental change on improved time. It is possible for you to increase your overall activity performance and output by 0.1% in the next 24 hours. This will add up to 26% per year compounded over 10 years for result in your own increase of 1000%. In every case they were astonished as how quickly they have moved to the top of their field by the simple act of making small incremental improvement each day. Arise two hours before your first appointment and read one hour in your field. This is called the golden hour, set the term. Leave the T.V. off, set the newspaper aside and invest the first 60 minutes in yourself in your mind. Rewrite and revive your major goals each day before you start of, plan each day in advance, always concentrate on the most valuable use of your time, listen to educational audio programs in your car. Ask two questions after every experience - what could I do right what would I do differently.
Whatever you dwell upon grows in your experience, whatever you pay attention to, increases in your life. Whatever you focus on you need to do better. When you analyze each experience by asking what I did right and what would I do differently you program yourself to perform even better in each subsequent experience.
Treat every one you meet like a million dollar customer, treat the people you work with the same way you would treat a valuable customer of your firm. Treat each prospect or customer as if that person had already purchased one million dollars of your company’s product or service and was thinking of doing it again. Also treat the people at home as if they were the most valuable people in the world to you because they are.
One more thing, the most driving force in the human psyche is the need for meaning and purpose of being committed to something bigger than oneself. John Rockefeller when he was 52 two years old was also extremely sick and the doctors told him that he would die within a year. The more money he gave away the better he felt. His health improved he went on to live to age 91 in excellent health. Every human action is stimulated by a self-dissatisfaction of some kind. The result is without self-dissatisfaction no action takes place. Some primary driving forces of human behavior begins with discontent, dissatisfaction, discomfort, or unhappiness.
Think back over the happiest moments of your life. Think about the times when you felt the greatest joy and inner peace, what was going on, who you with were, what were you doing, what was the most joyous experience.
Seven lessons for the 21st century:

1. You life only gets better when you get better.
2. It doesn’t matter where you are coming from all that matters is where you are going.
3. Any thing you are doing well is worth doing poorly at first.
4. You are only as free as your options, a well developed alternative that you have available to you.
5. With every problem or difficulty or experience there is a greater advantage or benefit.
6. You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set yourself
7. The only real limits on what you can do or be are the limits that you set in your own mind.

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