Monday, May 16, 2005


Pushing up People

Pushing up People
© 1985 by Art Williams

Your people are your company's most important asset. I've found that people who are exceptionally smart spend too much valuable time trying to analyze things. A lot of people have "millionaire ideas" but nothing in the world is cheaper than a good idea without any action behind it. The problem is finding someone willing to implement it.
Experience has shown me that the perfect person to hire at any level is the person who wants to be a winner. He's not looking for a handout. All he wants is an opportunity. He can still dream, and still hope, and still make a commitment.
I really believe that people want three things. To be their own boss, to control their own destiny, and to work at something they believe in.
You've got to be proud of your people. You can't just say the words. You've got to be sincerely excited and enthused about their success and appreciate the efforts they make. When you hire a person, you've got to assume that person will be with you for life and you've got to treat him or her that way.
Praise and recognition are the most powerful forms of motivation. Nothing encourages people to work harder and produce quality results like having their accomplishments noticed and praised.
One of the primary mistakes managers make is trying to change people. They focus all their energy on a person's weakest area and try desperately to turn that weakness into strength. I am here to tell you that you cannot do it. You've got to focus on a person's strengths and build on them. Everybody has at least one area in which he's really special. Find that area of strength and build on it, forget the weakness.
When you work with people one-on-one, you can say 99 positive things and one negative thing and the only thing they'll remember is the negative. Your emphasis has to be positive. You must be slow to criticize. I believe the most acceptable form of punishment is lack of praise.
When you want to criticize - don't. Spend your time making heroes out of people. Give the people who are doing the job love and attention. Before you know it, the poor performer will be dying to get back into the group that's getting praise and respect, and he'll improve his performance to do so. You'll accomplish the same end without saying anything hurtful. When you single out poor performance, you make people feel rotten.
Hint and motivate - hint at the problem then tell them about confidence in them and the good things they have done. If you ask 10 people what they dislike about their job most of them will complain that they are not recognized for their work or that they do not have enough responsibility.
When you give a person a job to do, let them do their job. Don't tell them how you would do it. Let them play. Let them have the freedom and responsibility to win or lose.
Nothing excites people more than being around someone who has a purpose and a goal. When it comes to leading by example, you can’t do anything more important than set an example of total commitment to your work.
In your business you must learn to pass negatives up and pass positives down. You must let people know that you won't listen to just plain old griping and whining and complaining. You must encourage them to discuss their work problems with you, but you must be careful not to encourage complaints and negativism.
People will rise to the standards you set for them. Leaders set goals in all areas of their lives.
Have specific goals and a specific plan for reaching them. Have a specific goal, set a specific time in which to achieve your goal, develop a plan, decide on what price you are willing to pay, write it down, and think about reaching your goal everyday.
Be aware of The Magic of 90 Days. Anyone can do anything for 90 days.
In business, I see four basic fears: Fear of competition, fear of controversy, fear of what other people say, fear of things you can't control. Leaders never ask anything of their people that they wouldn't do themselves. Never sacrifice quality, there's no substitute for building it right.

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