Friday, May 27, 2005


The Dieter’s Companion

The Dieter’s Companion
© 2000 by Diane Hanson

The key to your moving forward today is to change your focus from what is holding you back to what you want. Then you have a force that attracts you by pulling you forward. It’s hard to focus on what you want when you can’t see beyond the obstacles. If you focus on your obstacles they become huge but if you put them away and do not dwell on them or allow them to take over your life then it’s easier to move ahead.
When you change your focus you can change your future.
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you getting enough exercise? What is your eating like? How would you describe your energy level? How do you sleep? Focus on your vision not on your weight. If you do not know where you are going you will probably end up somewhere else. Add your own goals in the spaces provided.
To get into better shape, to fit into the suit you brought two years ago to have more energy to do the things you enjoy. He knew that his confidence would soar if he felt fit and vigorous. I am standing in front of a group of people my pants fit well. The belt is on the middle hole where I like it. My suit fits snuggly across my chest and loosely at the waist. People are admiring my physique I feel lean and energetic. I am in great shape I feel confident. Fixing on how much weight you want to lose won’t lose you anywhere. Vision focused internal positive force draws you towards your vision naturally and unfolds the list of good feelings.
Those who use positive imagery lost twice the weight as those who did not. Create a personal vision success card by typing your vision on a piece of paper no larger than 3½ X 2½ inches. Use small type and edit to 50 words. What need does your behavior serve? Jump-starting your motivation to be willing to act you need to feel that the change you are considering is essential to your well-being. The fewer smaller and weaker your barriers are the easier it would be to move ahead.
When you focus on your vision of success you energy level expands. Place tangible items like photos, expressions, affirmations and other symbols in constant view. Talk it up by telling others of your intended goals you set yourself up to achieve. Play up the value of reminding yourself of the benefits you will enjoy when you get there. Give it center stage to keep your vision of success from the forefront of your daily life and drive your dreams to your destination.
The best explanation for the acronym FEAR is false evidence that appears real. Balancing your priority is the process your actions are targeted you feel a sense of inner balance less internal conflict and feeling of peace a reduction in stress levels, harmony among your various emotions, you feel in-charge and energized, your life falls into place it flows you feel more confident and motivated to reach your diet and exercise goals.
SMART is an acronym that translates as specific measurable action oriented realistic time lined goals or objectives. The anticipation of what you imagine doing is always worse than the reality of doing it. A simple plan focusing on day-to-day successes will turbo charge your efforts. I dream of men who take the next step instead of worrying about the next thousand steps. I am committed to make a promise to yourself that you want honor. Replace guilt with motivation, replace hesitation with resolution, and replace fear with action. Never change a winning game, always change a losing one.
One of my preferred strategies is to shrink the plate. Use the plate with a six-inch diameter for anything you eat. Go for variety not volume - imagine kid size portions. Remember to zoom in on your vision of success until it grows as large as a giant billboard. Man alone is the architect of his destiny. As much as 95% of what you do each day is done from habit both in your thoughts and actions your favorite habits for eating and exercise. Habits are hardwired to the complex motor pathways in our brain.
It is crucial for your long-term success to recognize how easy it is to be drawn into the field of behavioral gravity. Behavioral gravity has a jaw of riptide unless you know how to escape it keeps pulling you away from your goals and commitments. The easiest way to get out of a riptide is to swim parallel to the shoreline until you are out of the current’s range. Make room for new habits. What do you want to hold on to? What are you ready to let go of? What do you want to take on?
Scramble your daily routine. Scrambling simply means mixing up the routines in your day and doing things differently. It is a wonderful technique for tricking those well-worn pathways in your brain and setting up new connections.
Have back up plans. Redesign your day to include a healthy snack at work so that wouldn’t arrive home ravenous. Small purposeful acts can have a large impact. What habits you want to eliminate or modify first. What are you willing to do about it? What’s your plan? How attached are you to it and how hard will it be to break? Anchor your new habits when embedded with other positive activities or actions that already exit in your daily routine. Look for opportunities to create positive habit pairs in your daily routine.
Substitute means that you replace an old detrimental habit with a new beneficial habit. Practice, practice, practice any change in habit may feel different, uncomfortable and even inconvenient at first. New habits flourish with steady attention. The more you do it the more comfortable it will feel and the easier it gets. Good health habits can increase your life expectancy by 13 years. Unattended signs and symptoms usually do not go away they intensify or shift to new location.
Nutritionists suggest you consume most of your calories by 3 o’ clock. This prevents stockpiling calories later in the day which are harder to burn off.
Only 20% to 30% of population exercises regularly. Less than 10% of all the Americans exercise at a frequency intensity or duration considered desirable for good health. If you exercise on a regular basis it increases your odds that your weight will stay off. There are also a host of benefits. The benefits include improved sex life, positive impact on daily life being healthier, increased energy, increased reaction time, improved memory, fewer doctor’s visits, improved sleep, decreased craving for fatty foods, prolonged life, and increased alertness, enhanced immune system.
You can lose weight three times faster if you exercise five times a week instead of three. What you can conceive and believe you can achieve focus on what you need to do for yourself and what will your plans do to achieve your goals and why is it important to you. Be clear and specific about what you need from them. Designing your environment is a key factor for maintaining your health goals. What three supportive changes would you ask for at work, home, or elsewhere for a wish list? You can readjust your current way of doing things so that you fit your health needs into your daily routine. One more example then we will move on to something else.
One out of every four American skips breakfast. Breakfast skippers usually weigh more than breakfast eaters. We should eat a light breakfast, mid morning snacks, small lunch afternoon snack and a light snack after dinner. What am I doing today to help reach my goals consistent choices require the least effort energy and exertion. 10% of those who begin traditional weight loss programs without exercise are able to lose the desired weight and less than 1% of that group is able to keep the weight off. Exercise is a strong behavioral driver. Know your degree of mastery to make each choice count focus on your actions, go for consistency, set gradually targets, create an early morning system called safe habits that will support your goals. What was missing was a new focus on mental and emotional toughness and physical stamina that would keep him going the distance in challenging situations. You need stamina guild and support.
If you think you can you can and if you think you can’t you are right. The acronym WIN stands for What’s Important Now.
I can make healthful choices. I can decide what’s best for me. I will succeed. I have what it takes. I will have more than willpower. I have a system that works. I can eat with moderation. I am doing the best that I can. My actions are on target. I am feeling more confident every day. I am looking and feeling more fit. My success today will add to the next. Motivation lives best and longest within the structure of confidence.

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