Tuesday, February 15, 2005


The One Minute Millionaire – the Enlightened Way to Wealth

The One Minute Millionaire – the Enlightened Way to Wealth
© 2002 by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen

You have inherited a million dollars in cash. The key is in a safety deposit box posted with bank within a silver container hidden at the summit of the mountain McKinley, at 20,000 feet the tallest mountain in North American. You must personally climb the mountain and retrieve the key yourself and complete the task within 12 months from today. Thousands of climbers have made it the summit. You will need to follow a training regime.
Almost any one can become a millionaire. In fact our goal is to help create one million millionaires. We have learned that people have different learning styles. Generally they are either artists or engineers. The artists among you are right brain visual learners. The engineers are left brain logical learners. We encourage you to visit www.oneminutemillionaire.com.
Start with the dream, sign a team and use our themes. Millionaires have a special pattern in unique way they spend money. During each money transaction they invest an extra minute. This extra minute makes them rich. Positive precession, abundance, innovation, charity, expansion, new opportunities, lower prices, altruism, nobility, fulfillment, joy, happiness, honesty, selflessness. We want to inspire million millionaires to give 10% of all they earn each year back to their community. The first step is desire. The second is faith.
What is the most stressful condition a person can face? It is unexpected response not having something to believe in. I hereby decide to become enlightened millionaire so I can eliminate my money pressures, enjoy life of complete financial freedom and share my abundance with others. Commitment will balance to behavior. To earn a million dollars quickly you must be willing to take similar committed action directly towards becoming an enlightened millionaire. To become a millionaire in your lifetime all that is required is the ability to find investment that you have at least 10% annually after taxes and a discipline to keep up the process year on and year out. You can invest $1.00 per day to grow into a million dollars over 56 years at 10% interest.

1. Decide that it’s okay for you to become a millionaire.
2. Practice imagining yourself enjoying the lifestyle.
3. Spend less than you earn. Pay yourself first deduct 10% of the top of your income and deposit into your investment accounts and less the difference.

Master one of these areas investments, real estate, business, Internet. Everyone thinks that the principle thing to the tree is the fruit but in point of fact that principle thing towards is the seed nature. Everything begins as a thought. The word for turning thoughts into things is to manifest. It comes from the middle most word manifestos meaning visible and the Latin word manis meaning hand.
You are the fruit of the thoughts you have planted and nourished. If you want a better harvest you must plant better thoughts. Think positive thoughts intensely. Speak only wonderful words to yourself constantly. Feel fantastic now. You must first be an enlightened millionaire. Abundance comes from making others better off and the primary reason to get is to have more to give. When both the being and doing are correct you will have your desired outcome. You will have riches beyond your wildest dreams.
When we blame someone it gives that person power over the situation. If we avoid the track of laying blame we sometimes tend to justify what happened. This is just another form of blame. Instead of blaming a person we blame the circumstances.
Where then is the optimal place to view life experiences from the point of personal responsibility from above the line? By operating above the line each of us have optimal control, direction and command over our existence. In fact sharing always creates more.
I am abundant in every good way. Infinite money is mine to earn, save, invest exponentially multiply and share. My abundance is making everyone better off. I embrace abundance and abundance embraces me. Give and it will be given to you. Give a step. Give your time, your approval, your smile, your advice, your wisdom, your complements, your sense of humor, your talent, your attention, your encouragement, your love. All these things will flow back to you in abundance. Turn up the volume of your positive voice.
Notice your negative internal voice, just turn the volume down. Find a thick rubber band in your home or office. Wear it on your left wrist and every time you are thinking a negative thought, smack the rubber’s ends. Yes it causes pain, the pain causes a pattern interrupt mentally and perhaps vocally you say ouch. Smack yourself every time you find yourself saying something negative. Wear the band 24/7 for the next 30 days. No one needs to know what you are doing except to you. It works rapidly within a month. People have to be responsible for their thoughts so they have to learn to control them. It may not be easy but it can be done. First of all if you don’t want certain things we don’t say them. We don’t have to eat everything we see and we don’t have to say everything we think. So we can begin by watching our words and speaking with good purpose only. Speak with good purpose if it doesn’t serve don’t say it.
What are some of your invisible aspects? Creativity, imagination, vision, generosity, courage, boldness, persistent, integrity, expert connections and customer databases, valuable skills, selling, persuasion, marketing, time management. Every resource I need is possessed by someone somewhere at this very moment. How can I find these individuals and persuade them to provide me with these resources. Life is a seminar. You are enrolled at birth. You can’t get out of it even by dying so enjoy it. You came in for the seminar with no inscription manual. Money freedom, you want to have enough money so that all your future days are prepaid. You work in case you want to work not because you have to work. You are free to risk to be who you really are and become the greater server you were meant to be. You can set big goals. You can assemble your dream teams. You are masterpiece in process becoming ever better more fulfilled and totally happy. You want a time freedom. Your play becomes your work. You build up by taking a off a week for month or equivalently three months per year. When we can forget about work totally and completely, let your income continues to expand and increase. Now you can pursue relationship freedom, spiritual freedom, physical freedom, and ultimate freedom.
How good could your life be five years from today? Give yourself permission to dream a big dream. Tonight as you drift off for sleep imagine its bright future. Tomorrow when you wake, awaken inside your dream world. See it, taste it, hear it, smell it, feel it. Do this everyday for the next 90 days you will notice the amazing things that will start spontaneously happening in your life.
Don’t think of your goals think from your goals. In other words rather than thinking of your future dream home think from your dream home. Imagine yourself actually living in that dream home as if you are already there. That’s why it’s so critical to visualize your goals clearly.
We recommend you start a special notebook for your goals. Whenever you think of something you would like to accomplish in your life write it down in your goal book. Then on a daily basis write your six major goals. To keep your self balanced record your top six goals and each of the six major areas or resources of your life, body, brain, aim, time, people, money.
In addition affirm each of these six goals daily as if you had already achieved your success in writing on a 3/5 card. For example, I am so happy and grateful that I am earning $400.00 per day working only 250 days this year. I am providing excellent value by selling x number of products to x numbers satisfied customers each day. Keep this 3/5 card with you as you go throughout your day. On the single car affirm all six of your major goals. Read these goals aloud four times a day at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and just before you go to sleep. This last step is the most important as your mind never sleeps. Sign and date this card and get one other person to whom you are committed to do the same. Follow up weekly to prove you are in track. Change and upgrade your card at least monthly. Think only of what you want never what you don’t want. Write it, read it, say it, see it. Notice how goals magically materialize into your life.
Here are four characteristics of people who are expressing their genius: Passion, talent, values, destiny. Passion, what do I love to do? Talent, what I am good at? Values, what is important to me? Destiny, what is I go on to do? Do what you love at moments value, leverage it because people actually do read your mind what you think is projecting through the airways to the person you are meeting with. They pick it up subliminally. So if they are going to be reading your mind anyway, make sure that what they read is worth reading. Questions predetermine the answer. The size of your question determine the size of your answer. A difference is 1, 0. But that means is that individuals who ask the wrong question are living below their true potential. They change the economic future of the world we need to create jobs. So as you ask yourself another set of questions the results will vastly improve the world.
The first is desire - you got to want it. The second is belief; you’ve got to believe that you can make money lots of it. The third is self-acceptance you got to believe that you deserve to be wealthy since you are very poor. You are money magnet. Each of you possesses magnetic properties. Dormant powers of attraction. Since like attracts like, you attract the things you like or want. People who are aligned or congruent are attracted magnetic even charismatic. The more congruent you are, the wider the magnetic field around you. When you are fully congruent you are irresistible. Our brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our mind.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. When you are committed the cells in your body you are energized by the passion of your purpose. Enlightened millionaires are committed.
How do you transcend you old habits and move to new level in your life? First start focusing on your future visions. The vision must be so strong that it dominates your thoughts, your choices, and your activities. Now write those commitments and put them where they can be seen each morning and each night.
The First Manifestation: Today I am enough I am smart enough, wise enough, clever enough resourceful enough, able enough, confident enough. I am connected to enough people to accomplish my heart’s desire. I have enough ideas to go out match the miracles. Enough is all I need enough is what I have. I have more than enough. As I do all that I can do I am able to do more and more. I am excited to be alive. I rejoice everyday to make my life better. I am happy, healthy, prosperous, successful, rich, loving, loved and beloved. I am comfortable with myself so I am comfortable with all others. I confidently greet each day with a smile on my face and love in my heart. Everyone who meets me is warmed with the radiance of my attitude. I work on my attitude continuously I read positive inspiring and uplifting books. I listen to audiotapes and CDs during my driving and exercise time. I associate with friendly curing nurturing people who are involved doing important things. The people with whom I associate want more for me than I want for myself. I am passionately on purpose to do good be good and help others to do the same. I am enough I have enough I do enough.
Leverage equals speed. You want to create wealth. You need leverage. There are three parts to leverage. The first part is the objective the dream that you intend to bring into reality. The second part is the fulcrum that is you. The third is the leveraged self. A movie star makes the movie once. The money comes when millions of people pay to view it. A baseball player plays baseball when tens and thousands of fans at stadium and view nationally on television. Teachers on the other hand usually have 25-40 students per class they have very little leverage and thus their salary is relatively low. Nothing down if you put 10 percent down on a $200,000.00 home that grows up in value by 5 percent in one year then the property is worth $210,000.00. Your $20,000.00 investment has earned you $10,000.00 a 50% return on your money.
There are five kinds of leverage.
OPM Other People’s Money.
OPE Other People’s Experience. Learn all they know use all their contacts and do what they do, do it even better. Therefore absorb lifetime bodies of information and insight compressed into instant usability just for you in the forms of books, tapes, CDs, films, videos and seminars. This is the cheapest and quickest way to gain OPE.
OPI Other People’s Ideas.
OPT Other People’s Time.
OPW Other People’s Work. Most people want a job; they want security rather than opportunity. Hire and delegate to them everything that you don’t want to or can’t do as well. Leverage yourself to other people and grow.
Your first form of leverage is to acquire a mentor. Your second form of leverage is to acquire a team. Your third form of leverage is the network; each team member knows at least 100 valuable contacts. The value of a network is the square of the number of people in it. Your fourth form of leverage is the infinite network that’s the spiritual connection. Your fifth form of leverage is the use of tools and skills. Your sixth form of leverage is the system. Every millionaire has systematized streamlined and organized the processes of wealth.
The second manifestation. I am a money magnet. I like money and money likes me. I attract money. I attract money 24 hours a day. I earn bountiful amounts of money. I wisely know how to create money. I know that I will always have more money in my future than I do now. The money that I create keeps multiplying duplicating and replenishing itself. I am forever enjoying more and more money. I have infinite money more than enough for my every want and need. I cheerfully save money. I faithfully save at least 10% of all the money I earn. I wisely invest my money. I see my money recreating itself effortlessly. I cheerfully give money to good and worthy causes and philanthropies that make a lasting and ongoing difference. My stake is in perfect updated order and will be a lasting legacy that makes an important and memorable difference. Money rushes to me in every form and fashion. I have lots and lots of money. I have money in my mind, in my future, in my pocket, in my wallet, in my safe, in my bank accounts, in my businesses, in my investments and wherever it keeps growing. I enjoy money and money enjoys me. Money and all its equivalents are attracted to me. Money is forever making me infinitely better off. All that I do creates surplus abundant and plenty for me and for everyone else.
A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth the month’s heaviest book. At age 25 plus I returned home to Omaha, Nebraska and launched with seven investors Buffet Associates. Buffet’s original stake was $100.00 within five years Buffet was a millionaire. From Stephen Covey Bob learned the power of goals. One of Bob’s original goals was to write a book. Decide on the distinct that you want to master. When the student is ready the teacher appears.
If people know how hard I worked to get my mastery they wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all – Michelangelo.
Make a list of missing resources. Write down the resources that you feel you lack to help you reach your goal. Network within your own circle of contact. Widen your search.
If you can tell me who your heroes are I can tell you how you are going to turn out in life - Warren Buffet.
Read the biographies and autobiographies of people you admire. Form an imaginary counsel of life consisting of your selected leaders to drive inspiration and wisdom from your own person counsel of life.
Lesson one: The fishing is safe where only the brave dare go.
Lesson two: Always take a guide.
Lesson three: Face your fear. To marry the princess you have to slay the dragon. The greatest dragon you will ever face is your own fear. If you can learn to live with the fear the world is yours. Face your fear today.
Search out a millionaire a month. Pick the millionaire’s brain. How did you make your first million? How long did it take you? How long would it take you to do it today? What is the system that used to make it? Is this system transferable? How long would it take you today to mentor somebody to your same level of success? What would you recommend that I do to become a millionaire? What’s the most important lesson you ever learned? How do you win a great spiritual value into your life? What is the legacy you want to leave? What’s your most important habit? What opportunities do you see that you don’t have time to take advantage of?
Ask yourself three questions. These questions: What’s most fascinated me about this millionaire encounter? What insights do I have, what specific actions am I going to take as the result of this interview? What trait or quality about this person can I emulate?
The third manifestation: I attract millionaire mentors. I attract successful mentors. When I am ready they suddenly appear. My mentors offer to mentor me and guide me to the success I desire. My mentors enjoy sharing with me their most important success secrets. I feel confident in asking my mentors for advice. My mentors intuitively know how to help me make the most important breakthroughs. I am able to glean from the relationship with my mentors exactly what I need to launch me toward the goals that I seek. My mentors enjoy the relationship with me. They take time to be individuals to profess the truth that I am seeking. My mentors willingly share, encourage and coach me to experience and express my full genius abilities talents and resources. They see more in me than I see in myself. My mentors know how to bring up the best in me. I study them up-close and personal if possible. I cheerfully apprentice and pay my dues to my masters as they did with their masters. I read study and learn all that they have written and what they recommend. I need all my mentors’ friends’ colleagues and loved ones and make them part of my ever-growing millionaire million dollar Rolodex. My life is made infinitely more meaningful. My life is made infinitely more meaningful with the mentor teacher who wants to be in service for my greater growth and development. I catch my mentor’s passion for life and living fully and richly. I realize that no one has ever achieved greatness that did not have mentors. I am willing to have great and inspiring mentors throughout my life. I am learning from my mentors how to be a mentor myself. I am prepared to mentor others when the opportunity presents itself.
Negative peoples are like holes in a balloon, how high does the balloon go with a hole in it. Make regular team meetings a life enhancing priority. Meetings need to be upbeat, enriching, encouraging helpfully beneficial to each member and the collective group as a whole. When Mr. Edison’s New Jersey factory burned to the ground Mr. Ford arrived the next morning and handed Edison a check for $750,000.00 and encouraged him to start building again. Ford would not accept interest on his loan. Team is an acronym that means Together Everyone Achieved Miracle. List the names of the people you would like on your ideal dream team. Prepare this list down to a half a dozen who would agree to play on your team. Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of their peer group. All it takes is a dream, a team and a theme to create a stream of perpetual income.
Most project oriented work breaks down into four categories: Solutions: Brain storming options. Strategy: Picking the highest priority ideas and making a plan of action. Analysis: Figuring out what could go wrong with your solutions. Results: Converting the plan of action into a concrete system and getting it done.
Four types of workers correlate with these four type of work. Hares: Idea people who think randomly. They usually get bored with the idea once they follow it through. They are creative. Owls: These people love to prioritization and plan a strategy for success. They are go-getters who like to make action plan. Turtle: These people believe that slow and steady wins the race. They are suspicious of new ideas. Squirrel: These detail-oriented people are great at step-by-step work they think and act in a methodological way.
You should ideally have either one hare-owl and one turtle- squirrel or one hare-turtle and one owl-squirrel. No man becomes rich unless he enriches others. They delegate work that they don’t do well. There is no dirty work just the wrong person doing the work. Everyone delegates his or her dirty work to someone else who loves it. What we hate to do bores us and what bores us slows us down. Speed is the new currency of business. Here is how you can dramatically increase your team’s speed. Conduct a positive brainstorming session. Except for the owl the whole group spends ten minutes writing down all their ideas. Next everyone leaves the room except the owl. The owl has a special instinct for priorities and what will practically work, owls recognize brilliance identify the drawback. The turtles join the owl without the hares or squirrels present and are asked to use their strength to blow holes in the idea tell me everything that could go wrong with this idea. Problem solved. The hares come back and join the owl thereafter solve these problems.

The Fourth Manifestation. I attract my dream team. I attract the perfect dream team, with the right dream and the right team I know I can accomplish miracles. I attract people who are unique where I am weak. My dream team is composed of individuals who are dedicated to the same goals. We are like-minded. We respect depend on and trust one another. Accomplishes my dream team had access to all the resources we need. The capital, the information, the markets, the insights and the contacts. We work together seamlessly with effortless effort. I am supported I feel supported from the top down and inside out because I positively and correctly exploit myself and others. All others lovingly correctly and completely support me. My life’s work is full of miracles. I am a reverse paranoid, I expect everyone to benefit me. I favor my relationships, friendships and family. I just keep getting better all the time.
The bigger your network the more leverage you have. Make yourself eminently likable, develop an above average handshake a magnetic eye contact and a radiant presence. Choose to serve greatly for the sake of serving, help everyone who needs some help, always go the extra mile and put the universe in your debt. Create relationship the hinges of which never rust but get deeper and more meaningful overtime, stay in touch personally by phone and fax, have outings parties, events or seminars to which you remember to invite your clients and friends.
Create a list of the 200 people you want to meet, study, grow, and talk with to spend time with and imitate until you can emulate their action or paths. You will be astounded how fast you synchronize and time and space would do so. You automatically become part of the who’s who by association. From networking it to who you know, who they know, and who knows you, choose to make yourself well known. Networking with millionaires and love is killer app to win business and influence friends. The average person knows at least 250 people and they know another 250 peoples so instantly you have access to 60,000 people. Set a goal to build your Rolodex working on it weekly if not daily add at least one name a day of someone you want to work with grow with and get rich with. Your goal is to have multiple contacts in multiple fields. Stay in touch at least twice a year. Rate each person in your Rolodex with a letter form A to D. A’s are those with the largest databases and the greatest potential for opportunity. Narrow you list to your 100 eagles your A list of top contacts. The person with the largest network of Rolodexes wins.
The fifth manifestation. I am a millionaire. I think like a millionaire, I talk like a millionaire, I walk like a millionaire, I believe, feel and act like a millionaire. Like a radio that’s tuned to one frequency I am tuned to the millionaire’s frequency. I continually condition my mind to think rich abundant and prosperous thoughts. I talk about the endless possibilities to all of who will listen. I read what millionaires read. I soak up biographies and autobiographies of millionaires and billionaires. I drink in their wisdom insight and deep understanding. I think about creating valuable multi-million dollar business enterprises during the day. I dream about them at night. I enjoy creating million dollar enterprises. I am creating multiple millions honestly ethically and morally. I am a wise steward for my money. I master my money. My money does not master me. I love to serve. I realize that it’s the quantity and quality of my services rendered with a positive mental attitude that grants me unlimited ever-flowing compensation. I am constantly rendering increasingly better service. The better I serve the more I make. I love challenges. I conquer my wealth creation mountains with glee and joy in my heart. There is banquet of prosperity ready and waiting for each of us. I cheerfully help others on their journey to wealth riches and true spiritual abundance. Being a millionaire means I live the abundant balanced life growing serving sharing. It’s great to be a millionaire.
Three secrets to persuasion are brightness darkness and frequency. Paint bright word pictures that describe the positive exciting future. Paint dark word pictures that describe the gloomy future, what if a person doesn’t follow your recommendation, you then repeat your message until your audience is captured. You can have everything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
Money skill number one: Value. They value each dollar bill as a money seed.
Money skill number two: Control. They control their money down to the penny. They shop for the best value they ask for and expect a discount. They examine their receipts. They attempt to turn each expenditure into a legitimate tax-deductible business expense. They balance their checkbooks to the penny. They file the receipts upon returning home to their office. Money skill number three: Save. Money skill number four: Invest. Let your 10% savings flow into the emergency bucket until you have at least three months of living expenses saved in an insured bank account. Money skill number five: Earn. They have multiple streams of income outside their job. Money skill number six: Shield. They protect themselves with trusts corporations and other legal entities. Money skill number seven: Share It. They are generous. Donate at least 10% of their income.
An enlightened millionaire values time. The following 10 tips can give you more opportunities to add additional activities to your day.
Tip number one: Focus on the critical few. Work only on critical things.
Tip number two: Learn how to procrastinate. Put off the 85% and tackle the 15%.
Tip number three: Throw away your to do list. Instead create a 85-15 list. Write your top priority items at the top in the 15% box. Only work on the top of your list.
Tip number four: Reward. Reward yourself for doing the right things.
Tip number five: Do your FTF Feared Things First. What activity on your list do you fear the most? That’s your FTF. What’s my FTF today? By training yourself to do your FTF you unconsciously urge yourself to tackle toughest task.
Tip number six: Do daily power hour. Take a few minutes everyday. It doesn’t need to be an hour for planning. Planning is life’s rehearsal.
Tip number seven: Exercise.
Tip number eight: Layer your activities. Use your waiting time productively. Do two things at once.
Tip number nine: Write out your goals daily.
Tip number ten: Just say no. Don’t let other people dump their monkeys on you. Sometimes you just have to say no.
System - Save Yourself Time Energy Money. Are you the owner of one of the six million businesses in North America? Which of the following benchmarks have you crossed?
Your total lifetime business revenue exceeds one million dollars.
Your lifetime net profit exceeds one million dollars.
Your annual revenue exceeds a million.
Your annual net profit exceeds a million dollars.
Your monthly gross income exceeds a million.
The total value of everything you own exceeds a million.
Multiple streams of income have five characteristics. Zero cash is required. Zero risk. Zero time once it’s running and. Zero management.
Prosperous people have always known two truths. Truth number one: The importance of having multiple streams of income. Truth number two: The power of residual or recurring revenue.
Real estate. Look for sellers who are forced to liquidate their real estate to solve the cash need. Look for mortgage holders who are anxious to liquidate their mortgages at a discount to solve an immediate cash need. Look for sellers who are anxious to unload properties that are in crisis. Look for properties that are ran down and even need a fix-up. Only buy property within 50 miles. Set a target territory about one mile square and become an expert there.
Use one of nine methods to locate motivated buyers. Management problems, out of area, out of work, out of luck, out of time, transfer, illness, inheritance, ignorance, vacancy, variance of climate, attorney problems, tax problems, ergencies, delinquent payments, divorce, death, dissolution of partnership.
As an investor you are searching for the one to five percent of the sellerswho need to sell now who are willing to accept unconventional solutions.
I told you to invest 250 hours to find buy fix up and manage this one investment property. You would now have an equity profit of $30,000.00. Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.
There are six million businesses in North America and 98% have fewer than 100 employees and have average annual gross incomes of less than a million dollars.
Complete this four-step marketing plan. Review it one minute each day. The big picture: What’s my ultimate advantage? What’s my sensational offer? What’s my powerful promise?
Step number one: Look for addicts. Addicts make the best customers.
Addicts buy quickly and more often they talk to other addicts.
Attracting perfect customers: What does my perfect customer look like?
What makes my perfect customer tick? What do I want my perfect customer to expect of me? What do I need to improve about my business to attract more perfect customers?
There is a book in you. You have enough information and experience in your head right now to turn into a lifetime stream of income. Your book can become the cornerstone of an information empire. What’s your story? Everything in your life has value. The failures, the successes it’s all part of the equation.
If each customer spends just $100.00 per year for your information you can make $100,000.00 a year with those 1,000 customers. You too can turn your expertise passion hobby into lifetime stream of cash flow. There is a book inside you and there is an audience for that book. You can crate an endless variety of products from the same information. The income is residual you produce at once that keeps paying you back sometimes for decades.
The only diploma that counts is a million dollar idea. The only qualification you need is a burning desire. The only credential required is fearless action.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0609609491
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